
How to wear : The leather pants

Today I’ll show how you can wear a leather pants
The leather pants is one of my favorite garments that I have.
It is very easy to combine with a beautiful blazer.
You can wear the leather pants, chic or strudy . I’ll let you see a number of outfits, how I wear a leather pants, of course, there are multiple possible combinations.

For a warm winter look do you wear a beautiful coat, classic leather gloves, hat and stylisch it-bag.

1. Strudy

2. Chique

3. At Work


5. Sexy-vintage

Dear readers.
Tell me what your Favorites combi is.
I think it’s fine to know tell me ,also what you Favorites combi is how you know a leather pants wearing

so I can wear it also appears on another way.

Bye ♥, have a nice day.
♥ Annemieke


januari 13, 2012 bij 12:46 pm

Die oranje/bruine broek is echt gaaf!

januari 13, 2012 bij 1:12 pm

i'm absolutely lovestruck by the chic version!
the leather with the feathery vest works just overly perfect.

if you’re interested – i’m hosting a pretty rad giveaway.
xx // themerrimari.blogspot.com

januari 13, 2012 bij 2:33 pm

beide broeken zijn leuk en je kan ze op zoveel manieren combineren
Travel in Style

januari 13, 2012 bij 8:34 pm

Super leuke looks zeg!
Liefs Tessa

oktober 26, 2012 bij 11:24 am

All looks with leather pant are good!

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Outfit: To the beach

januari 9, 2012


januari 14, 2012