Outfit: DIY-Blouse
Wat heb je nodig:
Boyfriend blouse, schaar, lijm, glitterlint/riem, veiligsspeltjes
Hoe moet je dit maken:
Knip de mouwen tot de naad af.
Maak de veiligheidsspeltjes vast aan de rand van het zakje, ( de kant dat open is).
Knoop de blouse open en leg deze plat op de grond.
Doe lijm op de glitterriem en op de kraag en plak vervolgens de glitterriem op de kraag vast.
Teveel aan glitterriem knip je af.
What do you need:
Boyfriend blouse, scissors, glue, glitterbelt, safety pins
How to make this:
Cut the sleeves off.
Create the pins stuck to the edge of the pouch, (the side that is open).
Make the blouse open and place this on the ground
Do glue on the glitterbelt and the collar of the blouse, paste the glitterbelt on the collar.
Too many glitterbelt you cut off.
♥ Annemieke
love it 🙂
looks amazinngg!! I love it!
Wat leuk! 😀
Oh wow I MUST give this a try!! I just threw away a gold sequin skirt I could have cut up as well. Damn. Anyway – thanks for the inspiration! Following you 🙂
Stop by my style blog and follow back?
Nice job 🙂
xx Ilka